:: OSHIMA ::


Country: Japan
Subregion Name: Japan - Izu Islands
Volcano Number: 0804-01=
Volcano Type: Stratovolcano
Volcano Status: Historical
Last Known Eruption: 1990
Summit Elevation: 764 m (2,507 feet)
Latitude: 34.721°N 34°43'17"N
Longitude: 139.398°E 139°23'52"E

Fast facts:
Oshima volcano in Sagami Bay, east of the Izu Peninsula, is the northernmost of the Izu Islands. The broad, low stratovolcano forms an 11 x 13 km island and was constructed over the remnants of three dissected stratovolcanoes. It is capped by a 4-km-wide caldera with a central cone, Mihara-yama, that has been the site of numerous historical eruptions. More than 40 parasitic cones are located within the caldera and along two parallel rift zones trending NNW-SSE. Although Oshima is a dominantly basaltic volcano, strong explosive activity has occurred at intervals of 100-150 years throughout the past few thousand years. Historical activity at Oshima dates back to the 7th century AD. A major eruption in 1986 produced spectacular lava fountains up to 1600 m height and a 16-km-high subplinian eruption column; more than 12,000 persons were evacuated from the island.

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